The answers to the following questions should provide a good idea of what is highlighted in chapters 4 and 5:
Chapter 4:
2. When teaching it is important to always be clear when communicating with our students. Some of the ways which we can do this is by orienting the learner,presenting in a logical order, giving examples,and check for understanding. It is important that we set and induction as this often times can make the student feel more comfortable with what we are going to teach. This does not need to be a long explanation but rather a brief overview. It is also important that we go in sequence. Although backward chaining can be effective sometimes, more often that not the students will learn the skills more effectively if the progressions go in a logical sequential order. Although there are many other ways to make sure we are communicating effectively, one of the most effective ways is to check for understanding. This may include asking students about what they have just heard or what they are about to do, as well as asking if they have any questions as to eliminate confusion that may be detrimental later to the learning of the skill.
Chapter 5:
1. Extension is a task which adds complexity and makes it more difficult for the students providing them with the opportunity to showcase their skills. Refinement is also important for progression as this makes the qualitative aspect of the performance more important. And application is very important as this is why we teach so that students can generalize and apply their skills across a wide spectrum of activities. This section may also include a self-test or assessment.
3.A progression for a closed skill differs from that of an open skills in a few ways. First and foremost the closed skills will be practiced and results will be produced in a set environment where the goal of the open skills would be eventual application or generalization across many environments. For example for a closed skill you would establish prerequisites that the students needed to have to perform this activity. Also you may modify the skill or equipment to ensure that the students will be successful. Teachers would also want to establish a progression of intent. This way the goals are modified so that it ensures success of the students.
In developing open skills the teacher wants to ultimately help learners to develop skills that can be applied to complex and ever changing environments. This may first be taught using closed skills but not for too long as the learner may become highly developed with his closed skill and will not be able to adapt to a higher level or open skill. The end result would be a much more complex progression as far as open skills. For example of you were teaching basketball you may start out very shortly on fixed shots and in place dribbling. Then you would have them dribble at different speeds, in different patterns, dribble and pass, dribble and shoot, do so while defending the ball and maintaining possession. It is important that we progress with out learners so they may get the best learning possible.
5. Extensions closed skill baseball:
Practice bat grip
Practice batting stance
Practice hitting off tee
Practice catching simple toss
Practice Base-running
Open skill:
Practice Hitting simple pitch
Practice different pitches (fastball, curveball, knuckleball)
Practice catching form different positions on field
Practice catching differently hit balls
Practice running bases as different speeds using strategy
Full game using all skills combined
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